- Institution: The Andalusian Institute of Agricultural and Fisheries Research and Training (IFAPA)
- Department/Service: Area: Agriculture and Enviroment. Inoculants Department.
- Location:
Centro IFAPA Las Torres-Tomejil
Ctra. Sevilla-Cazalla de la Sierra, Km 12,2
41200 Alcalá del Río (Sevilla)
- Web: https://www.juntadeandalucia.es/agriculturaypesca/ifapa/web
- Contact:
Dulce Nombre Rodríguez Navarro – Francisco Jesús Temprano Vera
Phone number: (+34) 671532842
e-mail: dulcenombre.rodriguez@juntadeandalucia.es – francisco.temprano@juntadeandalucia.es
Collection content
Microbial group/s: Bacteria
Total number of strains: >1000
Taxa (number of strains):
-R. leguminosarum bv viciae/ bv phaseoli (125)
-R. trifolii (85)
-R. tropici (6)
-R. etli (24)
-R. zullae (85)
-S. fredii (>200)
-S. medicae/S. metiloti (70)
-M. loti/ Bradyrhizobium sp. (11)
-M. mediterraneum/ M. ciceri (52)
-B. japonicum (60)
-B. elkanii (10, de la colección USDA)
-Bradyrhizobium sp. (lupinus)/ (ornithopus) (270)
-Bradyrhizobium sp. (biserrula) (30)
Isolation source/Origin: Soil, legume nodules and international collections
Preservation method: Glycerol -80 °C
Information management: Access, hand notes
Characterization level:Symbiotic properties (Nodulation and N2 Fixation); some 16S or ARDRA
Key words:
Rhizobium, microbial inoculants
Summary: My scientific career is focused on the isolation, characterization and evaluation, under field conditions, of Rhizobium strains and other N2-fixing bacteria. Also, to the study of the diversity and other characteristics of the Rhizobium-legume symbiotic associations, such as competitiveness, host rank, physiological characteristics, etc.
Quality Certifications
Brief historical review
The Rhizobium-IFAPA collection contains more than 1,000 entries. Fundamentally it is made up of isolates (pure strains) of bacteria that nodulate with native legumes. In the case of soy, the entries come from international collections and others obtained from Chinese soil. It started in the 70s.