AGC (Actinomicetos Gonzalo Cuesta)
Collection of Order Actinomycetales (phylum Actinobacteria) bacteria, isolated from wastewater.
Collection of lactic bacteria isolated from fermented products, ceded by other laboratories and mutants for studies of sugars and gene regulation.
Collection of strains of lactic bacteria isolated mainly from wine, and some, from grapes and olives. The majority are strains of Oenococcus oeni.
CAAL-Labaqua (Colección de Aislados Ambientales de Legionella)
Collection of bacteria belonging to Legionella genus, with environmental origin.
CCAS (Collection of SERIDA’s Autochthonous Cultures)
Collection of bacteria and yeasts generated from samples received in the official laboratory and from surveys in wineries in Asturias
Collection of bacteria and yeasts isolated from food industry processes, especially wine fermentation.
CMH (Strains of Halophilic Microorganisms)
Collection of archaea and bacteria isolated from salt flats of different locations in Spain and South America, and shearwaters of Gran Canaria.
CNTA Collection
Collection of microorganisms present in the food industry (pathogens and food alterants, with biotechnological properties, isolated from routine analyzes).
Collection of bacteria isolated mostly from meat, meat products and industrial environment. In smaller numbers, of intestinal origin.
Collection of rhizospheric bacteria, mainly from the genera Rhizobium, Sinorhizobium, Mesorhizobium and Bradyrhizobium
Collection of lactic acid bacteria isolated from natural cider from the province of Guipúzcoa and other fermented foods.
FHSCC (Food Hygiene and Safety Culture Collection)
Collection of bacteria, yeast and filamentous fungi isolated from meat and dairy products.
Collection of lactic bacteria isolated from meat products and fermented products of plant origin, and pathogenic food bacteria.
Collection of plant pathogenic bacteria isolated from plants.
Collection of bacteria isolated from milk of different animal species and cheeses, and from infant feces.
Collection of bacteria, filamentous fungi and yeasts isolated from dairy products and human gastrointestinal tract.
Collection of bacteria of human origin.
Collection of bacteria and yeasts of oenological origin.
The MAESE collection (Edaphic Microalgae of the Southeast of Spain) contains isolated lineages mainly from the southeast of the Iberian Peninsula, from edaphic, subaerial and aquatic environments.
MAPYS (Microorganismos de la Agricultura, Poscosecha Y Sostenibilidad)
Collection of filamentous fungi, yeasts and bacteria isolated from fresh fruit and vegetable facilities, transport and products.
MEcoHealth (Microbial Ecology Nutrition and Health Collection)
Collection of bacteria isolated from biological samples.
Collection of bacteria and yeasts isolated from oenological environment
Collection of pathogenic bacteria isolated from water and food.
Collection of bacteria belonging to Arcobacter and Aeromonas genera, isolated from clinical samples, water, fish and other food.
Collection of pathogenic bacteria with food, animal and hospital origin, mainly belonging to Listeria and Salmonella genera.
Collection of bacteria isolated from the soil and rhizosphere of olive tree, chestnut and the plant Arthrocnemum macrostachyum.
Collection of bacteria (mainly), and yeasts with animal and human origin
Collection marine bacteria (water, bivalves, fish) from the coast of Valencian Community.
Collection of lactic-acid bacteria and staphylococci isolated from dairy products and fermented beverages
Collection of bacteria associated with different legumes, from plant tissues and rhizosphere. The collection has special emphasis on the phylum Actinobacteria.
HIBRO Culture Collection
Collection belonging to the HIBRO group (PAIDI AGR-170) consisting of pathogenic, spoilage and endogenous bacteria isolated from food and food environments.