- Institution: The Regional Agrifood Research and Development Service (SERIDA)
- Department/Service: Food Technology Area
- Location:
Ctra. De Oviedo s/n
Apdo. 13, 33300 Villaviciosa (Asturias)
- Web: http://www.serida.org
- Contact:
Belén Suárez Valles – Rosa Pando Bedriñana
Phone number.: (+34) 895890066
e-mail: mbsuarez@serida.org – rpando@serida.org
Collection content
Definition: Collection of bacteria and yeasts generated from samples received in the official laboratory and from surveys in wineries in Asturias.
Microbial group/s: Bacteria and Yeasts
Total number of strains: 1480
Taxa (number of strains):
Saccharomyces (280)
Yeast non-Saccharomyces (500)
Lactic bacteria (400)
Acetic bacteria (300)
Isolation source/Origin: Prospects in wineries in the geographical areas with the highest cider production in Asturias (years 1987-88) and (2001-2003).
Samples received at the Official Cider and Derivatives Laboratory.
Preservation method: -80°C /-196°C
Information management: Catalogues with the relevant information for each strain: species, origin, isolation matrix, relevant biotechnological properties.
Characterization level:
-Identification at species level.
-Biotechnological properties.
-Yeast biomass production to reactivate fermentations.
-Accredited analysis of musts, wines, ciders, spirits and vinegars (ENAC 430 / LE 930). Microbiological analysis and rapid multiparameter analysis methods (MIR / FITIR).
Internal: Production of inocula with technological properties suitable for the elaboration of products such as: natural ciders, foamy ciders, ciders with a high alcohol content and apple pomace (fermented from “magaya”).
Key words: cider, yeasts, bacteria
- Process design and development of new products derived from apples, ciders and “magaya”.
- Product characterization: phenolic, antioxidant, volatile profiles, compounds indications of adulterations, raw material and aging time of “magaya”, "acroleinic pitting" in ciders.
- Molecular and technological characterization of microorganisms of agri-food interest: Collection of Autochthonous Type Cultures of yeasts and lactic bacteria.
- Restructuring of the viticulture of the Principality of Asturias: clonal and sanitary selection of autochthonous vine varieties. SERIDA registration as nursery Producer Breeder and Sorter of wine material (ES-03-33 / 0122).