- Institution: University of Murcia
- Department/Service: Algology Laboratory and Agroforestry Experimentation Service (SEAF)
- Location:
Faculty of Biology and CAID, Espinardo Campus
Calle Campus Universitario, 5
30100 Murcia
- Web: https://www.um.es/ecoalgas
- Contact:
Marina Aboal Sanjurjo
Telf.: (+34) 868884990
Email: maboal@um.es
Collection content
Definition: The MAESE (Edaphic Microalgae of Southeast Spain) collection contains lineages isolated mainly from the southeast of the Iberian peninsula, from edaphic, subaerial and aquatic environments
Microbial group/s: Microalgae (including cyanobacteria)
Total number of strains: More than 250
Taxa (number of strains): In cataloging process but belonging to Cyanophyta, Chlorophyta, Streptophyta, Rhodophyta, Heterokontophyta
Isolation source/Origin: Soil, subaerial environments, salt and fresh waters
Preservation method: “in vivo” (agarized media)
Information management: Excel
Characterization level: Traditional taxonomy (all), molecular (some) and biotecnologically characterized (some)
Key words: microalgae, cyanophyta, chlorophyta, rodophyta, diatoms, heterokontophyta, cyanotoxins, fatty acids.
Summary: The research group began by focusing on biodiversity studies given the paucity of existing data on algae communities in semi-arid regions. The taxonomic and ecological characterization has been enriched over the years with ultrastructural, biotechnological (fatty acids) and toxicological (cyanotoxin) studies. The fundamental focus has always been on continental systems, but in recent years organisms from marine and marsh systems have also been incorporated.