• Institution: University of the Basque Country/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea
  • Department/Service: Plant Biology and Ecology
  • Location:
    Faculty of Science and Technology
    Sarriena district, S/N
    489400- LEIOA, Bizkaia
  • Web: https://www.ehu.es/bmcc
  • Contact:
    Sergio Seoane Parra
    Phone number: (+34) 946015299
    Email: sergio.seoane@ehu.es

Collection content

Definition: Collection of microalgae isolated from marine, estuarine, and freshwater ecosystems

Microbial group/s: Microalgae

Taxa (number of strains): 400

Isolation source/Origin: https://www.ehu.eus/es/web/bmcc/search

Preservation method: Water from different ecosystems (marine, transitional and freshwater)

Information management: Culture chamber 17 °C “in vivo”

Characterization level: Identification at genus /species level


Taxonomic identification, pigment analysis, isolations (more details www.ehu.es/bmcc)


Key words:  Microalgae Haptophyta, pigments, estuaries

Summary: The microalgae collection of the University of the Basque Country consists of about 400 strains of microalgae from marine and estuarine ecosystems mainly, and freshwater to a lesser extent. The Haptophyta, Chlorophyta and Dinophyta divisions are the most abundant groups. Morphological, genetic and pigmentary information is available for a large majority of the strains.

Quality Certifications

No Quality Certification

Brief historical review

The Culture collection of the University of the Basque Country began around the year 2000, as a result of isolations included in studies of characterization of the phytoplankton community of adjacent estuaries, mainly the estuary of Bilbao. Since then, and with contributions from the different studies carried out on phytoplankton, the collection has been growing, and nowadays it has facilities suitable for its maintenance and growth.