- Institution: University of the Basque Country/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea
- Department/Service: Plant Biology and Ecology
- Location:
Faculty of Science and Technology
Sarriena district, S/N
489400- LEIOA, Bizkaia
- Web: https://www.ehu.es/bmcc
- Contact:
Sergio Seoane Parra
Phone number: (+34) 946015299
Email: sergio.seoane@ehu.es
Collection content
Definition: Collection of microalgae isolated from marine, estuarine, and freshwater ecosystems
Microbial group/s: Microalgae
Taxa (number of strains): 400
Isolation source/Origin: https://www.ehu.eus/es/web/bmcc/search
Preservation method: Water from different ecosystems (marine, transitional and freshwater)
Information management: Culture chamber 17 °C “in vivo”
Characterization level: Identification at genus /species level
Taxonomic identification, pigment analysis, isolations (more details www.ehu.es/bmcc)
Key words: Microalgae Haptophyta, pigments, estuaries
Summary: The microalgae collection of the University of the Basque Country consists of about 400 strains of microalgae from marine and estuarine ecosystems mainly, and freshwater to a lesser extent. The Haptophyta, Chlorophyta and Dinophyta divisions are the most abundant groups. Morphological, genetic and pigmentary information is available for a large majority of the strains.