Collection content

Microbial group/s​: Bacteria
Total number of strains​: >170
Taxa (number of strains)​:
Salmonella spp.
Campylobacter spp.
Arcobacter spp.
Listeria monocytogenes
Vibrio spp.
(total 150 cepas)
Helycobacter spp. (20)
Isolation source/origin​: Water and Food
Preservation method​: Culture media + Glycerol, -40 °C
Information management​: Data base with basic information: origin, identification, date of isolation.
Characterization level​:
Biochemically identified and most also by molecular methods.


Transfer of the strains to accredited research groups, after a documented agreement.


Key words: Characterization, typing, Campylobacter, Helycobacter, Food safety
-Food Safety: detection of pathogenic microorganisms of fecal-oral transmission in water and food by conventional and molecular methods.
-Epidemiological characterization by genotyping.
-Campylobacterias pathogens in food.
-Helicobacter pylori and other pathogenic Helicobacter in the environment, water and food.

Quality Certifications

No Quality Certification

Brief historical review

It is a collection compiled from more than 15 years of research work in Food Safety.