REDESMI continues to grow in number of collections and biodiversity. This year has begun with two new additions: DAIRYSAFE PHAGES, the first bacteriophage virus collection, and MAESE, the second microalgae collection. We continue working to expand the inventory of microorganism collections in the Spanish territory.
Dr. Pilar García Súarez is the Head of the Department of Technology and Biotechnology of Dairy Products of the Institute of Dairy Products of Asturias (IPLA). This department is in charge of conservation.
Dr. Marina Aboal Sanjurjo, responsible for the collection of Edaphic Microalgae of the Southeast of Spain (MAESE) of the University of Murcia, explains the importance of integrating the collection into the Spanish Network of Microorganisms (REDESMI).
From REDESMI we want to thank their integration and the efforts of the institutions in the maintenance of the collections.