Collection of lactic bacteria isolated from meat products and fermented products of plant origin, and pathogenic food bacteria.
Collection of lactic acid bacteria isolated from natural cider from the province of Guipúzcoa and other fermented foods.
Collection of bacteria isolated mostly from meat, meat products and industrial environment. In smaller numbers, of intestinal origin.
Collection of rhizospheric bacteria, mainly from the genera Rhizobium, Sinorhizobium, Mesorhizobium and Bradyrhizobium
Collection of bacteria and yeasts isolated from food industry processes, especially wine fermentation.
Collection of bacteria belonging to Legionella genus, with environmental origin.
Collection of bacteria (mainly), and yeasts with animal and human origin
Collection of isolated yeasts from wine and olive growing ecosystems
Collection of bacteria and yeasts isolated from oenological environment
Collection of filamentous fungi, yeasts and bacteria isolated from fresh fruit and vegetable facilities, transport and products.